Parsley Benefits and Tabbouleh Salad:



Parsley Benefits and Tabbouleh Salad

Do you know how to make Quick and Easy Middle Eastern Recipes?

Are you ready to embark on a culinary adventure? Picture this: fille in your kitchen, the aroma of exotic spices fills the air, and you’re about to create a dish that will transport you to the rich and diverse world of Middle Eastern cuisine.

Each recipe is a nutritional powerhouse packed with vegetables, fruits, oils, and other ingredients that our bodies crave for optimal health. Observing these signals can ensure your body is always in top form.

The first recipe will be a salad with lots of parsley as one of its ingredients. It is called Tabbouleh Salad.

Let us start with the benefits of the parsley to our body.


Parsley is a staple ingredient in Tabbouleh salad, and other Middle Eastern Recipes served in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey.


Parsley comes in two kinds: flat and curly. It is a nutritional powerhouse; I prefer curly over flat when making Tabbouleh Salad, which I love and eat daily.
Parsley is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including Vitamin K, and it is renowned for its role in blood clotting and its exceptional benefits for bone health; Vitamin A protects the eye and has antioxidants that help prevent age-related macular degeneration; Vitamin C helps form and maintain bones, cartilage, skin, and blood vessels and is an antioxidant that supports the immune system; vitamin B6 improves immune function, cardiovascular disease, and cancer; Iron is good for growth and development; and Magnesium takes care of the heart, migraines, and aging.

Parsley is a potent natural diuretic that can help reduce bloating and blood pressure and prevent kidney stone formation.

Parsley’s vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants help reduce the risk of serious health conditions like diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and cancer.

If you want to prevent kidney stones from developing, I suggest making and eating delicious and healthy Tabbouleh Salad. I remember my brother boiling the parsley and drinking it to let the kidney stones pass through his kidney, but eating Tabbouleh salad regularly will prevent these kidney stones from forming.

Tabbouleh Salad


¼ cup fine burghul (bulgur)or fine cracked wheat (white or brown)
1 freshly squeezed lemon
3 Roma tomatoes, chopped small
1 bunch parsley, cleaned and finely chopped
5 green onion or ½ bunch green onions, chopped (optional)
2–3 small soft cucumbers, cut into small cubes (optional)
½ tsp salt
7 tbsp olive oil


  1. Wash burghul or cracked wheat a few times using the sieve until clear water. Add lemon juice and leave it aside for half an hour or until the cracked wheat is soft.
  2. There are two ways to make this:
    1. Add the main ingredients: parsley, tomatoes, salt, and olive oil, mix well, and
    2. Add all the ingredients, including the optional ones, mix well, and
  3. You can serve tabbouleh on a romaine lettuce leaf or alone.

Tabbouleh (Tabbouleh salad)

Burghul soaked in lemon juice.
Chopped parsley, onion, and cucumber mixed with chopped tomatoes.
Lemon, olive oil, and salt to taste.
Tabbouleh salad on my tongue!