Book Listing

Najah sells her four self published books in both digital e-book PDF format and hard copy printed editions. Also, Najah sells used hard copy printed books on various subjects and genres that will be listed for sale on an ongoing basis. Check back here for new books that are available for sale.

Enter My Heart Poems For The Soul
Title: Enter My Heart
Poems For The Soul
Author: Najah Shuqair
Ebook: $4.99
Paperback: $14.99
Middle Eastern Easy & Healthy Recipes: Recipes & Poems
Title: Middle Eastern Easy
& Healthy Recipes

Author: Najah Shuqair
Ebook: $9.99
Paperback: $29.99
Quick & Easy Cookbook: A Recipe & A Poem: Middle Eastern Cuisine
Title: Quick & Easy Cookbook:
A Recipe & A Poem

Middle Eastern Cuisine
Author: Najah Shuqair
Ebook $7.99
Paperback: $24.99